Safe at Home: Enjoying the Great Outdoors in Your Own Yard
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5 tips for safe outdoor activities during pandemic distancing.
By now, you’ve probably been home for a while, “staying in place” to help curb the spread of COVID-19. With spring in the air, trees greening around us, the burst of blossoms, and a serious case of the “house-bound stir-crazies” setting in, we’d like to suggest a few ways to enjoy your own great outdoors safely.
If you have a yard, consider yourself lucky to have a place to branch out a bit. But even a small patio or balcony can be a welcome change of scenery, and a front stoop can be a new place to connect with neighbors from a distance. Simple hellos and waves go a long way to lift everyone’s spirits.
We know these are unprecedented times, and we will get through this. Here are a few tips to help make these days productive and special.
1. Exercise those green thumbs

Maybe gardening hasn’t been your thing in the past, but now is an excellent time to give it a second chance. Even simple tasks like weeding, trimming, and spreading mulch or pine straw can give you a healthy dose of vitamin D, and your yard a facelift.
Take a look around while you gather up ideas for the coming months and make a simple gardening plan. Play explorer and investigate shrubs and trees you’ve taken for granted. Help your children dig for worms or research leaves they collect as a simple science lesson. It’s amazing how much more interest we take in plants when we understand their origins.
2. Get your game on

It’s time to bring out your inner child. Even if you don’t have children in your household, there are plenty of fun outdoor games to enjoy. When was the last time you played hopscotch? All it requires is some sidewalk chalk and a pebble. Hide and seek needs only imagination and the ability to stifle a giggle when the seeker comes near.
Of course, other outdoor games include cornhole, croquet, horseshoes, badminton, and bocce ball. Remember only to play these games with members of your own household, as sharing equipment can spread the virus. As always, wash your hands before and after you play.
Bring a board game outside to play on a picnic table or blanket in the yard. A little Monopoly or Chutes and Ladders competition can be a lot more fun with fresh air and sunshine.
3. Score with chores

What home exterior projects have you been putting off? Let’s cross them off the list now and enjoy life guilt-free when we’re finally let loose. Spring is a great time to pressure wash patios and driveways (never use a pressure washer on vinyl siding), clean gutters, refresh outdoor furniture, and make windows sparkle. (Get extra use out of your face mask by using it to keep pollen out of your respiratory system.)
Cleaning out a garage or basement can reveal treasures of long-lost tools and supplies that will help you get a few outdoor tasks accomplished. Put a paintbrush to work refreshing a front door or railing. This is a time to make your entryway inviting even if you can’t invite people in.
While you’re at it, consider future remodeling projects such as a new entryway or patio door. Research, get inspiration, and ask questions while you have the time to follow up on your daydreams of home transformations.
4. Enjoy the view

Never forget how lucky you are to have a chance to be outdoors. Plan a “work out” session by bringing your laptop outside to get your work-from-home tasks done. Schedule plenty of “dine out” dates by having a picnic in the yard or a candlelight meal on a patio.
Allow time each day to go outside, take some deep breaths, and simply relax. Nap in a hammock, read a book or a magazine. Just close your eyes and listen to the birds. This is a wonderful time to study their particular songs and tweets.
Appreciate this time to be outside; you may miss it when it’s time to go back to work and school.
5. Celebrate your neighborhood

Social distancing doesn’t mean we can’t be social. Your neighborhood may have a social media network such as, where you can keep in touch with ideas and ways to help your neighbors during this time.
You can help plan a neighborhood scavenger hunt for children, such as a “drive-by bear hunt,” where kids look for teddy bears in windows or on porches.
Consider making signs to uplift the spirits of those passing by. Use sidewalk chalk to say “hello, have a great day” or to create a mosaic. Put signs on your front door to thank delivery people for keeping you supplied, or signs in your yard thanking others for their service, including healthcare workers, first responders, grocery store employees, and teachers.
Keep in mind that many of us are staying at home alone and could use some extra cheer. Putting a friendly sign of encouragement in your yard could make their day.
When you’re ready, Window World will be there for you. We’re committed to serving you in good times and bad. Your health and safety are our number one priority. As an alternative to in-home quotes, we are now offering free consultations virtually or by phone. Contact your local Window World store to learn more about the best option to meet your needs.
Rest assured, there will be better days. And if we work together to make the most of these days, we’ll all come out ahead. Stay home. Stay safe. Stay in touch with your ideas.